
Pyramid offers dozens of visualizations to choose from, depending on the way in which you want to present your data. The process of choosing a visual is very straightforward in Smart Discover; simply choose the required visual from the Workspace Toolbox's Visualization Picker. For more information, see Discover Lite Workspace.

To learn about each of the visualizations available, follow the links below.


Grids are used to present data in rows and columns. You can choose from two grid types:

Cartesian Charts

Cartesian Charts plot data across two axes (a y-axis and an x-axis), which meet. These types of charts include:

Segment Charts

Segment Charts display each element of the given hierarchy as a different segment of the chart, with each element represented as a proportion of the whole, based on its value.

Plotted Charts

Plotted Charts (or Multi-Variable charts) plot two hierarchies across Cartesian coordinates. They are useful in finding correlations in the data set.

Advanced Charts


Gauges are used to create KPI visuals on the fly, allowing you to define status, target, and actual value.


Maps plot data geographically, and are an excellent way to visualize the spread of data across geographical locations: